Holiday Park Opening Christmas 2020 - Updated 21st December
18 December 2020
Visiting Little Lakes Holiday Park for Christmas 2020
Holiday Park Reopening 2nd December - Updated 4th December
27 November 2020
Little Lakes Holiday Park to Re-open for Christmas on Wednesday 2nd December
It's been a Month!
8 August 2020
Please stick to the rules and keep taking sensible precautions ...
How the Clubhouse will operate after re-opening from lockdown
3 July 2020
A detailed list of the temporary changes we've put in place in the Clubhouse.
We're Good to Go Certificate
1 July 2020
Little Lakes awarded We're Good to Go Certificate
Holiday Park Re-opening - Updated 24 July
23 June 2020
How we plan to safely reopen the Park.
Little Lakes Holiday Park Opening Date
23 June 2020
Welcome letter confirming the Holiday Park reopening date.